A method of telephone dialling in which each digit is represented by a particular combination of tones.
Example sentencesExamples
If you can use tone dialling, the amount of time it takes to dial can be changed using the S11 register.
Most dual-equipped phones, if switched to pulse dialling, can be changed over to tone dialling by pressing the ’*’ key.
This is quite slow compared with tone dialling.
In the UK only 15% of homes and businesses have tone dialling, although the network is currently able to support around 50% tone dialling.
To set it up correctly for tone dialling you have to remove the front cover on the control panel.
I do remember some years ago having an old BT internal phone system which supported dial phones and converted the pulses to tone dialling when accessing an outside line.
It is possible to include both pulse and tone dialling within the same dial string.
Before attempting to dial check if the phone system uses pulse dialling or tone dialling.