She has written sun sign columns for a number of magazines and websites and has articles published in numerous astrological periodicals all over the world.
Not that I believe in such things, but any professional astrologer worth her salt would tell you that your sun sign (the one you see in all the newspapers and magazines) is only a part of you, astrologically speaking.
We wrote the first half of the magazine for several years, using medieval astrology to formulate the sun sign columns.
Despite this, the astrological sun sign is nowhere near as important as many people think.
Here's a light-hearted look at love astrology - but remember, sun signs are not the be all and end all of astrology, and can only serve as quick ‘ready reckoners’ to your romantic style.
All of the sun signs show us the traits that we can use to connect with a powerful force that makes us distinguished individuals, capable of rising above our habitual fears.
The birth or sun sign used in most horoscopes relates to the position of the sun in the zodiac when the person was born.
Both the Aries sun sign and the emotional side of the Leo influence, combine to produce a need for domination in most personal relationships.
These two points form the basis of any natal chart, and incidentally the Ascendant sign is usually a more important influence on the personality than the sun sign.
At the level of the sun sign, it allows classification of people into types, and we live in a society in which personality is considered a source of strength and an explanation for success.
The only thing that it is easy for a lay-person to work out is the sun sign, because it runs in constant months, whereas the rest of the planetary positions have to be calculated.
You draw the card that symbolizes the Libra sun sign, which brings balance, adjustment and justice in your life today.
His accuracy amazed his subjects, though his personality analysis was taken from a newsstand astrology column and was presented to people without regard to their sun sign.
So while you are trying to decide whether to go short, consider the influence of your sun sign as you contemplate how you might feel about short hair.
It seems so far that many twin souls have their sun signs in the same element.
Even professional astrologers, most of whom have nothing but disdain for sun sign astrology, can't pick out a correct horoscope reading at better than a chance rate.