The skin is granular giving the species its alternative common name of warty newt.
I have investigated whether warty newts will preferentially prey on hyperactive, DDT-treated tadpoles of the common frog rather than untreated tadpoles.
All amphibians are given some protection, but the natterjack toad and great crested or warty newt have been given special protection.
In some species, such as Hong Kong warty newts, it is almost impossible to distinguish the sexes except during the breeding season.
The great crested newt is the largest British newt, about 16 cm and is also known as the warty newt.
True to its name, the warty newt has skin that is covered in small bumps.
Southeast Asia and Japan have four species that are most encountered as pets: the fire belly newts, the paddle tail newts, the crocodile newts and the warty newts.
The typical amphibia of the ‘Valley of Narcissi’ are: edible frog, common toad, smooth and warty newts.