I've been making the most of the sunshine by putting another two loads of laundry out to dry on the washing line.
I don't know how, but one minute they were on the washing line, the next there was cat food on them, and a hole.
The fact that they snapped my washing line was a small price to play for such a display of bravado and skill.
The sheets have been flapping furiously on the washing lines as if heralding the new front approaching from the west.
The point is, I have been tempted to buy those clothes pegs before now, and I don't even have a washing line.
In the photo you'll notice that an item of clothing had been torn from the washing line in the strong wind and rain that's been battering us since yesterday.
Neighbours claimed the birds created a health hazard, settled on the roofs of houses and fouled washing lines.
Most of my paintings have sheep in them, or boats, or washing lines, and I try very hard to tell a story of what is happening in my paintings.
The coast of Belize can be battered by some pretty brutal winds but even on a mild day things fell off the washing lines.
Within an hour they'd hacked it down to fence height, luckily sparing the thick branch to which one end of my washing line is tied.
I remember my grandmother always had plastic bags drying on the washing line.
The sock concerned is suspended from a washing line on wooden pegs.
His wife hangs rabbit skins out to dry on the washing line.
Her relative by marriage was cutting some bushes in the garden of his Danson Lane home and had lowered the washing line to access the plants.
My washing line disappeared after that, never to be seen again.
Having a chat over the washing line is somehow an image of Skipton we'd like to keep.
Idyllic washing lines are great but not always possible when you live in a flat or if the weather is not playing ball.
We put out load after load on the washing line, which makes a change from cramming it all onto the radiators.
Stealing clothes from washing lines in the night is indeed a strange hobby.
A washing line had been removed and plants disturbed.