(of a treaty, contract, or agreement) not signed or given formal consent, so not officially valid.
the protocols remained unratified
unratified agreements with tribal leaders
Example sentencesExamples
Many of the 240 environmental treaties enacted over the past 80 years remain unratified and unenforced.
The Union army code announced in 1863 strongly influenced the unratified Declaration of Brussels (1874).
WPA is a subset of the as yet unratified 802.11i security standard.
There are now eight unratified ILO occupational and health conventions.
As it is unratified, however, by any major spacefaring powers and unsigned by most of them, it is of no direct relevance to current space activities.
He supported the visionary Burlingame mission (1868) and the favourable terms found in the unratified Alcock convention (1869).
Talks aimed at completing Kyoto – signed in 1997 but unratified - are scheduled to take place in Bonn in July.
While such subterfuges allow presidents to ignore selected parts of unratified agreements, the administration's objective is precisely the opposite.
The treaty remained unratified by England till the 20th of September 1490, a year and a half after its ratification by the Spanish sovereigns at Medina.
It was only when Gov. Charles Robinson assured them that the "unratified and unproclaimed treaty was not a surrender but a triumph of diplomacy" that the mutineers were quelled.