The surgery was his second major operation since his birth a tracheotomy tube was fitted into his throat after he developed problems with his breathing in February.
For the next three weeks he was in a medically induced coma, with a tracheotomy tube in his throat to help him breathe and a chest tube to drain the fluid filling his right lung.
A femoral arterial line, femoral venous line, and tracheotomy tube were placed; the vagi were transected distal to the nodose ganglion.
After sponging away some accumulated blood she inserted a tracheotomy tube into the incision.
The effects of lung inflation were assessed in each condition by occluding the tracheotomy tube at end expiration for three consecutive respiratory cycles.
NHS advice warns parents about fur, feather, grit or sand getting inside the tracheotomy tube, and suggests covering the opening loosely with a scarf.
The tracheotomy tube was subsequently removed, leaving a scar which was also rather unsightly and may require revision surgery by the plastic surgeons.
Immediate after-care, including daily stoma care, suctioning, and change of tracheotomy tube were all conducted under strict protocols of hygiene and sterility.
He, of course, is at higher risk because of his previous treatment, previous treatment for cancer, his age and the presence of his tracheotomy tube.
Next week, surgeons will insert a tracheotomy tube into his throat, which will stay in place for the next 18 months.
Some are potential candidates for one or more surgical procedures to expand the upper airway, with the goal of removing the tracheotomy tube.
It's pretty hard to understand what he's saying through the tracheotomy tube, especially when he's loaded to the gills.
Twenty-one-year-old Jonaya had been struck down by a rare virus when she was a baby and had lived with a tracheotomy tube in her throat since she was 19 months old.
Nine-year-old Eve from Yeadon has Treacher Collins Syndrome and currently breathes through a tracheotomy tube.
A constant flow of gas was directed across the inlet of the tracheotomy tube via a ‘t tube,’ as described previously and outlined in an online supplement.