Create another fold across the unsewn binding that lines up with the first side of the quilt corner.
An unusual advance format, consisting of signatures laid into the unsewn binding; the text is lightly tanned (due to acidic paper), else a very good copy.
It is an unsewn binding, the pages made from acid free mount-board, attached by cloth strips.
Animal glues are mainly used for case making and lining, and only occasionally in unsewn binding lines.
With such large amounts of work being finished via the unsewn binding process it is hard to believe that we in the United Kingdom have no training College for this style of work,
For example, if a book has unsewn binding an extra 3mm is required on the page width at the spine.
This method of unsewn binding produces a strong, flexible binding enabling easy opening of books without stressing the binding.
Leave about 8’ of unsewn binding, as shown in Figure 1.