1A coastal fishing area of special significance to Maori people.
twenty-two kilometres of coastline in East Otago has been designated a taiapure since 2001
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The application must clearly state the geographic location and boundaries of the proposed taiapure so that the public can easily identify the site.
An appropriate entity writes to the chief executive requesting the establishment of a taiapure.
We are discussing the locations of the eight taiapure in New Zealand.
The area of the taiapure should be clearly outlined.
Taiapure are marine habitat areas which are under close observation by fisheries and local people.
If we can have a foreshore and seabed reserve, and a marine reserve, and an aquamarine management area, and a taiapure, how do they all fit with each other?
The committee provides advice and recommendations to the minister for the formulation of regulations to manage the taiapure.
The Fisheries Act 1983 plays a huge role in why there are taiapure in New Zealand.
All fishing (including commercial fishing) can continue in a taiapure.
Certain taiapure operate better and are more successful than others in New Zealand, and we want to understand why this is.
1.1mass nounGuardianship over a coastal fishing area.
the Fisheries Act establishes taiapure and gives customary rights to Maori
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How will the government's new proposals incorporate customary rights, and in what way will they differ from existing customary usage of taiapure?
Taiapure is a form of marine habitat management where a quota system is put in place on what people can take from these designated areas.
Taiapure is set up by a commission that is overseen by the Minister of Fisheries.
Taiapure makes provision for a management committee to be established.
The application should state the management objectives for the taiapure.
I think there is enormous opportunity to develop management around our coastlines along the lines of taiapure.
The proposal should identify the effect the taiapure is likely to have on all the user and interest groups currently involved in the area.
Taiapure can be established over any area of estuarine or coastal waters to make better provisions for the rights secured under the treaty.
It is referred to in the existing legislation as taiapure under the Fisheries Act 1996.
Taiapure is a management tool established in an area that has been of special significance to an iwi or hapu as a source of food or for spiritual or cultural reasons.