In fact, she said: ‘All but three of the 20-plus audience seats were left unwarmed as quietly spoken submitters competed with air conditioning to have their views heard by the sprinkling of media.’
He or she may be at risk for hypothermia from cool ambient temperatures, the use of unwarmed IV and irrigation fluids, or prolonged surgical time.
However, I anticipate that data from the second and third years of the experiment will indicate a difference between warmed and unwarmed seedlings that can be attributed to temperature change.
Certainly the fight to be the best of the rest hardly seemed to inspire too many on Saturday, with more than a fair sprinkling of orange seats unwarmed by backsides at Tannadice.
We compared results in the warmed and unwarmed patients with leukaemia with paired two tailed t or McNemar tests.
He worries about ‘an impression of cold, analytical detachment unwarmed by sympathetic understanding’, while he speaks of her ‘tense and clipped’ phrasing in constructing her images.
Then it is right that you should even now draw back, nor heed though I should go to the grave a thinking machine unenlivened and uncheered and unwarmed by the happiness of domestic affection.