In the harsh economic climate of those days nothing further could be done with the site, so it became a weedgrown, rubbish strewn eyesore for the next 40 years.
An acquaintance of his asked for permission to cut the rather weedgrown grass off it for hay.
You see, in the first act, the set was a dilapidated house with a weedgrown yard and shabby fence.
Railway sidings have all but disappeared and the few that remain are rusted, weedgrown and disused.
Creative ingenuity gone, the arts and industries would decay, sky-scrapers would crumble, plantations would be weedgrown, as they are in Haiti.
The book ends with Tomlinson and Maynard revisiting the weedgrown battlefields of France, trying to avoid souvenir-collecting tourists, trying to see some hope for the future.
run down, derelict, dilapidated, tumbledown, ramshackle, untended, unmaintained