A government policy of encouraging unemployed people and others receiving state benefits to find a job, for example by providing job training or paying a fee to employers.
The intention of the program was a change in paradigm from welfare to work.
Although still suggestive, it might shed light on how families will respond to benefits offered as part of welfare to work programs.
For the Party, the preoccupations were pensions; child and youth policy; welfare to work; enterprise; science and technology transfer; structural change and regional development.
The two guiding principles linking the social and economic debates must therefore be welfare to work, and work and family.
The Science study is the first analysis of an extensive effort to collect information on how the transition from welfare to work affects women, their children, and the surrounding community.
Childcare is a priority for the government, underpinning key policy objectives including welfare to work, tackling social exclusion, raising educational standards and supporting families in modern Britain.
It's approach is welfare to work,’ he insisted, when asked what he would say to those who would be worse off under the new policy.
It only began to get interested because of the implications for welfare to work and to facilitate women's employment.
Where the policy agendas of welfare to work and equal opportunity have neatly dovetailed is on the expansion of childcare provision.
I think you have to look at the level to determine what impact you are going to have on jobs, particularly at a point where we have this tremendous welfare to work social movement going on.
Some recent reforms in penal policy and welfare to work have been copied from the United States.
Recent policy proposals put some clear blue water between the parties on issues encompassing the state benefit system, welfare to work, and the savings culture.