Norm never uttered a harsh word about anyone and always enjoyed a coldie with his mates at the 19th.
After in the clubhouse the atmosphere is relaxed, and a coldie or two goes down well, whilst Max sorts out the winner and then we can relax and have a slow saunter back to home base.
So grab a cuppa, a coldie, a JD or even some hair of the skunk.
What seems all the more remarkable though is that at least 35,000 of those votes have come in the past eight hours - a time when most Australians would be dozing having consumed a few too many coldies last night.
Back on terra firma with a coldie firmly in hand, my dive buddies and I could only agree that it had been a truly spectacular day of diving - and even better, we'd had both dive sites to ourselves.
Also, that Jamie would give it his all, and then enjoy a couple of coldies with his mates after the game.
Stopped at the Waikino Tavern and had a coldie - as always when I'm passing.