Even Fables has its chucklesome moments, although they are in the context of a load of godawful blather.
Being as the producers almost decided to stretch a movie out of the already padded (but chucklesome) episode Kamp Krusty, this is worth worrying about.
The artwork is early Doris Matthaus watercolor and can be seen in the pictures: cartoonish, humorous and chucklesome.
The comedy was chucklesome rather than hilarious, a couple of scenes falling flat, but in the main it kept things bubbling.
But while the film has a certain charm, there is not one chucklesome moment during its entire running time.
Everyone who meets you, E, is struck by how smiley and chucklesome you are.
He's certainly more shy than I expected, and seems grateful for the presence of a chucklesome PR at our pond-side cafe.
Nevertheless, it's a chucklesome 200-odd pages, bright and breezy and bubbling with imagination and enthusiasm.
He is an astute enough character comic, but his material is hardly challenging, gentle chucklesome fayre for a Sunday evening audience.
The script is chucklesome rather than high-octane hilarious.
We asked you to submit your bestest most chucklesome haiku about the fact that Abi Titmuss had become good pals with David Beckham on the set of Goal 2.