The sediment transported by a river in the form of particles too heavy to be in suspension.
Example sentencesExamples
Water moving through the drainage basin can convey material in solution (as solutes), or mechanical particles in suspension (suspended sediment) or by being rolled or jumped along the bed of a river as bedload.
The superimposed multi-storey sheets with no preserved fine-grained sediment may reflect the lateral mobility of high-energy bedload channels.
Current meter measurements suggested that tidal currents were strong enough to cause bedload transport of sediment and Mya.
The reworking of the sand bedload, in association with the settling of mud from suspension during tidal slacks, deposits an interlaminated sand-mud lithology.
The higher parts of the member are dominated by thick amalgamated coarse-grained successions dominated by unidirectional trough cross bedding, which are readily interpreted in terms of a sandy bedload river system.