Foremost is a traditional beer pump that landlord Jim Hardie has resurrected from the attic, where he found four others, and hopes some of the more engineer-minded drinkers may be able to return to working order.
Instead of the standard beer pump, it comes out of a giant tap.
Of particular pride to Andy is the fancy new beer pump in the downstairs bar, which at present supplies Budvar and Lowenbrau lager.
It was chaos because I hardly had any staff on - my hand was shaking on the beer pump.
Some of the interesting artefacts in the museum include a fully equipped early 20th century bar, complete with beer pumps and memorabilia from a day when the public house was strictly a male preserve.
We didn't bank on both beer pumps running out right at the point of ordering our 3 drinks though.
She called into the bar cellar, where Brad was attaching the new beer pump.
Friday night he and I gathered round the beer pumps of the King's Arms and put the world to rights.