He would open up the brightly coloured, beflowered trunk, pull out a fabulous costume - a magician, a bear, a dragon, a snowman - and he would play, unselfconsciously, at inhabiting those clothes.
No, wait - Eric, do we for some reason need horribly beflowered lampshades or perhaps pastel bathmats anywhere on the set?
We were able to see the expansive and beflowered city of Boston.
Every building in the downtown area was beflowered and bedraped.
While the others went and paid their respects at Claudes bitterly fresh grave, Mum, Nan and I went to see Melly's beflowered resting place.
This wooded and beflowered park was laid out in the heart of the cantonment in 1864.
She was a very pretty little person, evidently nearer fifty than forty, but with rosy cheeks, sparkling black eyes, and shining black hair, surmounted by a wonderful beflowered and beplumed bonnet.
The ladies were more or less fashionably dressed in bright summer costumes and beflowered hats, and had gay parasols.