The front line of American beleaguerment was to be found at 10,000 on the Dow Jones last week.
With time added on, England were now going to spend an entire football match in frazzled defence, dropping back ever deeper, the beleaguerment solidified by ever-more paranoid substitutions.
The Depression brought a sense of beleaguerment to the American Church as well.
All the minorities described suffer in a greater or lesser degree a sense of what has been called beleaguerment, feelings of isolation from the major thrust of American life.
The permanent career service has endured so much abuse that its sense of beleaguerment is accompanied by an acute consciousness of bureaucratic prerogative.
In this atmosphere of fear and beleaguerment the press, with the support of sections of the political establishment, hope to sideline a rational, objective approach towards crime.
We sought to measure the psychic state of freedom, relaxation, and comfort versus that of anxiety, drivenness, and beleaguerment.