And he said that sales came through the human touch rather than relying on answerphones and other machines.
If you telephone us, please talk to the answerphone!
Ownership of other communication links such as answerphones, fax, and internet are all likely to increase too, and this will add to the problems of contacting householders by phone.
Returning from work, I find a message from a cheery-sounding woman on my answerphone.
As is usual with the house phone, I leave it to go onto the answerphone - anyone worth talking to will start leaving a message and if I want to talk to them then I can pick it up and do so.
I was just online and the downstairs phone rang, and the answerphone kicked in.
The device is a telephone, answerphone, fax, personal organiser and monitor, with email facilities, all rolled into one.
‘Why did you leave a message on my answerphone?’
As it happens, I have an answerphone and Caller ID, but disproportionate numbers of elderly or infirm people don't, and harassment is harassment.
It's not the prettiest phone in the world but my main desire was a cordless phone with an answerphone and speed-dial and this was the cheapest one of those.