We stood, sweating, in a crowded immigration hall at Orlando Airport, all the cattle class mixed in with the toffs from the executive lounge.
Welcome to cattle class.
So, a little over a week after vowing never to travel in cattle-class again on a long-haul trip, here we are again.
The luggage looks out of place because anyone with $20,000 for a suitcase should not be flying cattle class.
Some of his fellow passengers in 'cattle class' from Chester to London are increasingly feeling the pain.
For those in cattle class getting a seat by the window is enough of a high-stakes game.
Interestingly, my condition was not judged severe enough for an upgrade to business class so it was cattle class to Seoul whereupon more lying on the floor followed.
If you think spending 14 hours in cattle class is grim, try being a captive audience for the travellers' complaints while maintaining a fixed grin.
On the way there were no power sockets in cattle class, and I had to stand up all the way back.
As one of the unfortunate cattle-class who has to battle through these radiator pipes every day, here's my idea: more trains, fewer people per train.
That is no thrills sub-economy for most, or "cattle class" for the well heeled business flyer.
I was in cattle-class again, but after being compressed in the terminal, it was nice to find even a semi-comfortable seat to sit in.
He won't shirk the task of waiting to pick up tickets in cattle class.
Imagine them filled with passengers seated 10 abreast, and you start to wonder: Will this plane give a whole new meaning to the term "cattle class"?
Even the so-called 'first class' is now not much better than cattle class.
Actually, I don't do too much plane boarding because I can never afford to travel more than cattle class.
In cattle class we are sheep or, worse, sardines.
It's only people in cattle class who are asked to get there two hours before the plane's due to leave.
This morning, one of the trains I couldn't get on at Woking was full to standing capacity in first class, let alone cattle class.
I'm flying cattle-class which, based on previous experience, could far and away be the biggest threat to my safety and wellbeing.