eBay is the only place where the product is easily buyable.
Consumers have more merchandise choices and information than ever, much of it literally at their smartphone-gripping fingertips, searchable and buyable in a moment.
Lowering the price to the market clearing price will be required for the dwelling to be buyable or rentable, and won't necessarily change the premium.
Many of the other things an agency provides - media planning, research, account services - are buyable.
Clothing worn by characters will be buyable through the TV interface.
I wish this was buyable in my country.
The buyable figurines come in three sizes - extra large, large and medium.
The phones I chose were all buyable unlocked and without overlays to the intended system.
Does the fact that the "product" being advertised isn't necessarily a tangible, buyable sort of product change how we can measure the advertisement?
2Susceptible to bribery.
you're saying that the leaders of other nations are buyable
Example sentencesExamples
By doing so they will send a message saying British Law is not as bendable/buyable/corruptible as they seem to think it is.
Or do we simply have the most buyable politicians?
Bureaucrats and lackeys of government ministries are just as likely to be buyable.
With computer systems being insecure, governments lax, people untrustworthy and buyable, putting this kind of very personal, very important, very vulnerable information into the hands of people only because it's a nice revenue stream is offensively stupid.