A range of woollen goods is available including ties, scarves, headsquares and traditional stoles.
These look quite smart when not worn over the head, especially when there is a contrasting lining as the open hood resembles the gaily coloured scarves or headsquares that many women wear as a decorative fashion accessory.
100% polyester headsquares can be supplied with plain backgrounds or with stripped edging.
Our tartan headsquare is made from 8oz lightweight wool and comes in over 500 tartans, our other triangles come in a heavier wool for a warmer feel.
With the ladies, headsquares, handbags and gloves are the most popular ‘line’ to find their way into the lost property department.
We tied the white headsquare around her head and locked her in the larder until the inspecting officer arrived.
Ties, headsquares, pens and badges are also available at society meetings.
New outfits will be added every few days until her trip is over, and a few of the outfits will be accompanied by vintage silk headsquares, each commemorating various events which took place at that time.
The simple costume is that of the people of the lake between the XIXth century and the XXth century: the women wear a large headsquare on their shoulders and a very large apron; the men wear a waist-coat, a scarf round the waist, and trousers tied at their calves.
My earliest recollections were of a formidable old woman, dressed in a red petticoat, black blouse and white binneog (headsquare).
She wore a headsquare made into a turban and other protective clothing then and that was in the 196Os.
Against this flat, white background Jancso manipulates his characters: the members of Raday's force in their black cloaks; a peasant woman with a black headsquare; a mass of tattered people with rugged, resigned, tired faces.
We have a wealth of experience supplying scarves and headsquares to a wide variety of customers.
The potential of a headscarf or headsquare as a ‘free’, walking advertisement was first realised over 50 years ago.
In the 1950s, a young couple called Laura and Bernard Ashley started to make headsquares, tablemats and napkins out of fabric they had dyed and printed themselves from the kitchen of their flat in Pimlico.