But they're on no jolly awayday down to the capital.
White water rafting, camping trips and alcohol-fuelled away days in luxury country hotels have been among the treats organised in the past.
We did manage a few away days while we were over on the mainland - the obligatory visit to IKEA for one and a mini break down to Yorkshire!
Individually, these guys are often whip-smart and clued in; but collectively they are a crowd of lemmings on an awayday to the coast.
The programme is also hoping to offer families an away day during half term, which may include a short residential trip for children at the end of the pilot.
Round the corner is a youth club which organises dance, music and art classes and away-days to Blackpool and Alton Towers.
1.1A day on which employees meet at a venue away from the workplace to plan strategy or to discuss a particular issue.
a worthwhile awayday on scenario planning
Example sentencesExamples
On the same day of the meeting last month, the Downing Street strategy unit held an away-day to discuss the respect agenda.
It may enrage more than the unions, if reports emerging from the cabinet awayday at Chequers on Friday are to be believed.
Tory MPs will today bid to draw a line under a difficult week by staging a 24-hour "away day" bonding session.
The Labour group decided to block the sale of the shares at a private "away day" held at South Leeds Stadium on Friday.
Holding an away day at a local venue can be an extremely productive exercise.
The "away day" will set the party's strategy in the run-up to the next General Election.
The first thing Jordan did was take all 65 staff, plus university professors in related subjects and local community representatives, on an away day.
Away days take slightly different formats depending upon the number of staff attending.
Are you having a team meeting, briefing or awayday?
We get involved in all aspects of away days from provision of facilitation, through to short development workshops or by the provision of indoor team challenges.
Members of Swindon Council's planning committee are looking forward to an away day to London all in the name of research.
Tens of millions of pounds are being handed over for advice on everything from corporate "branding" to how best to plan away-days.
But this is no awayday for MPs, because in some sense the convention is a challenge to a parliament.
I might even have to start playing football with the staff and going on weekend away days at conference centres.
The most favoured option is the corporate away day with the guru.
The annual away day is becoming an important event in the calendar of the british workplace.
The pair argued over the issue at last week's Cabinet away day in Cardiff.
The School Directors for Teaching & Learning away-day took place in the Innovation Lab at London Road on 27 September 2006.
A series of away-days has also been organised to hone their campaigning skills.
Last week, he and his Cabinet met for a relaxed away day in St Andrews to plot their strategy for the coming months.
1970s: first denoting a type of money-saving return rail ticket.