Unfortunately they're generally smaller and have a closed-in, claustrophobic feel.
Often he would go from wide-open scenes to closed-in spaces in a cut, which was pretty effective.
Some people when feeling very anxious, have sensations whereby they feel like thing are ‘closing in on them’ or that they can't breathe in small closed-in spaces.
The sealing of the tomb is echoed in the closed-in feeling of the painting.
One minute we were in blue-skied Californian summer, the next dour British November, closed-in, grey-skied, dense scraps of mist scudding down quiet, damp streets.
The cinematography is used to good effect to underline this split by juxtaposing the coldness and closed-in feeling of Turin with the warmth, openness and Mediterranean light of Calabria.
She had learned that the different boxes within a house were called rooms, but they still felt like closed-in boxes to her.
Trotsky powerfully insisted that their attempt to upset the bourgeoisie only confirmed their inability to escape ‘the closed-in world of the intelligentsia’.
Practically all of the film takes place in William's small office flat, giving it a claustrophobic air, suggesting his closed-in life.
He is so stifled by his closed-in life that he has to record the sounds of windstorms in order to feel a connection to nature again.
Tamika had never had problems with small, closed-in spaces, which was a good thing, considering the size of her apartment.
This daylight which comes in through the windows strikes a sharp contrast with the closed-in feeling of all the preceding shots of the apartment and denotes a definite change.
His closed-in world could not be more different from the frontier, so essential to folk and country music, which offers a continual, if sometimes illusory, means of escape.