If the fritterer is a mother, she gets another check too.
But the worst fritterers are those wasting over £500 each on takeaways every year in unnecessary eating haste and waste.
Now, which five of you fritterers of time are going to step forward for your own opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this dubious pyramid scheme?
We, but not he, are fritterers.
It is to be a waster of time, a fritterer of opportunities, and so on.
Definition of fritterer in US English:
See fritter
Example sentencesExamples
Now, which five of you fritterers of time are going to step forward for your own opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this dubious pyramid scheme?
If the fritterer is a mother, she gets another check too.
But the worst fritterers are those wasting over £500 each on takeaways every year in unnecessary eating haste and waste.
It is to be a waster of time, a fritterer of opportunities, and so on.