‘The approach we have to religion - making the children as religiously literate as they are ‘computerate’ and numerate - can be especially attractive to middle class parents,’ Mr Richards said.
Computer literacy led to computer-literate, computer-friendly individuals, and the words computerate, computeracy and computence were but a step away.
This skill set will assist in their pursuit of life-long learning, as competent netizens and computerate users, in a society experiencing continuous technological change.
We are delighted that a company of four visually impaired computerate colleagues have come on board to provide support and training.
As such they will not have the knowledge to reach this website and so they are designed for more computerate friends who can print them out for their instruction
This requires a workforce that is computerate rather than merely functionally literate and numerate, as was needed for the first industrial revolution.
There is a positive stereotype secretly held by librarians, one that casts us as fearlessly impartial, lightly well-read, knowingly computerate and less socially inept than socially committed.