He was not at all pleased to see me, but gradually thawed and explained that owing to the tracasseries of the Bishop of Poitiers, he had been made the victim of a continuous and vindictive persecution.
For Jane Austen life really is all about money and tracasserie, and gossip and dresses, and feeling superior - the very things for which Emma Woodhouse is castigated.
It has nevertheless faili to abandon the project along the way when it saw for a ‘simple’ piece that lacked in the kit the technical and administrative tracasseries that that generated (and worse for an additional piece).
After all these weary tracasseries of the cramers, it is refreshing, if only by way of contrast, to come to the military Scot in Poland, who was, if not more noble by birth than many of the merchants, yet considerably more interesting.
argument, row, fight, disagreement, difference of opinion, dissension, falling-out