A frame of reference relative to which a given body is at rest.
Example sentencesExamples
Soon afterwards it was realized that if the energy of a cosmic-ray proton exceeded 5 x 10 9 GeV then, in its rest frame, a typical cosmic-background photon would be Lorentz-boosted to gamma-ray energies high enough to excite the proton.
Thus our spacetime is more accurately modelled by a cone than by a cylinder, and the real universe, whether finite or infinite, has a preferred rest frame.
This problem can also be tackled by saying that in the muon's rest frame the Earth's atmosphere appears length contracted, thus allowing a certain percentage of muons to arrive at the Earth's surface.
The light of about 100 distant active galaxies was first corrected to the rest frame of our Milky Way and then added together.
Mach's principle, which is an important assumption of general relativity, postulates that the sum of all the mass in the universe offers the correct rest frame.